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Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Living in Limbo...

Writing exams is a part of every student's life. It's the reason we learn all the information we're constantly bombarded with for the four plus months that make up a semester. As a self-proclaimed perfectionist and labled over-achiever the exam period is definitely one that's fraught with stress and more than the average amount of anxiety at the thought of having to memorise and internalise all the work and perform my best. After the weeks of learning and the hours spent trying to express yourself eloquently in the exam the horror doesn't seem to end. There's that final hurdle that's almost worse than the actual exams...the time you wait for your results!

You keep going back in time, imagining what you wrote, what you didn't remember playing out in vivid HD in your mind, convincing yourself you must have failed that one! With my vivid imagination the time spent waiting for results definely feels a bit like living in limbo and when it's finally over more often than not I find myself wondering why I put myself through all that stress...then I remember...in an effort to excel I put myself through stress and strain in the sincere belief that it will all be worth it in the end.

I know myself to be almost single-minded in determination and pretty hard on myself when I don't meet the goals I set for myself. In my saner moments I like to remind myself that I am only human...and so are you. Whatever the outcome as Bill Rancic once said "Things will be alright in the end. If they're not alright, it's not the end."


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